Attention: Pass is good at Snow Canyon for the day of purchase only. Pass includes the Cinder Cone, Whiterocks, Gila, Scenic Overlook, and Chuckwalla parking lots in addition to the main canyon.

Snow Canyon State Park

Day-Use Passes

Purchase a day-use pass to Snow Canyon State Park to visit the beautiful red sandstone with over 38 miles of hiking trails to enjoy.

Pass Information


Vehicle Resident

Day-Use Pass: per vehicle up to 8 people.


Senior Resident (65+)

Day-Use Pass: per vehicle up to 8 people. 65 and older Utah resident.


Pedestrian / Cyclist

Day-Use Pass: per person. For residents or non-residents.


Vehicle Non-Resident

Day-Use Pass: per vehicle up to 8 people.


Commercial Passenger

Day-Use Pass: per individual of vehicles with more than 9 people.

*Pass is good for day of purchase only!

*Purchase does not guarantee entry if park is temporarily closed due to capacity being reached.